Please specify the colour you require at the time of ordering.
The Colours are: Camouflage / Militray Green, Camouflage Brown.
Technical Data:
Touch dry @ 200C 1 hour.
Solids by volume 44%.
Application methods Brush or roller.
Substrates clean dry canvas and similar fabrics.
Thinner & tool cleaning water.
Flash point None.
Shelf life 12 months frost free.
Product benefits:
Excellent water proofing.
Authentic military finish.
Quick & easy to apply.
Contains water repelling wax.
Good resistance to mould & fungal attack.
Light fast pigments
What you are buying:
This Canvas Paint uses modern water borne resins to deliver a tough, flexible, water proof finish.
This product contains liquid wax to repel water and fungicides to prevent fungal and mould growth.
Formulated with light fast pigments to provide an authentic, opaque, long lasting finish to exterior canvas, soft tops, awnings, etc.
How to use:
1) Stir well prior to use.
2) Surfaces should be clean free from loose or flaking debris.
3) Apply with a good quality brush.
4) If unsure test on a small unobtrusive area.
Size & coverage:2.5 litres covers 20 to 25 square metres subject to porosity.
Colours:Please specify the colour you require at the time of ordering. There is a space at the bottom of the Pay Pal form for this type of note.
Colours:To view Our colour card CLICK on this link: ttp://